Merits Of A Customized Workout Plan

Sunday, February 23, 2014

By Kyle Heier

The time to get out of the procrastination state and start working out is now. It takes a lot of discipline for one to make and follow a customized workout plan. But once started, the routine will be so much fun and comes with lots of health benefits. In a few weeks, the physical changes will be seen and the feeling that comes with the work out.

It is recommended to see a medical physician before exercising vigorously. If the wrong types of exercises for your current condition of health are done, or if you pursue a too strenuous regiment too soon, you could hurt yourself. There may also be certain exercises that you cannot do at the present time. Take the advice of your doctor, start slowly, and then gradually increase your efforts.

Most of us don't know that much about exercising, muscle building and weight loss, therefore a personal fitness expert is recommended. He will help you determine the most beneficial program, and one that will be the easiest for you to follow. Healthy eating habits are essential too, therefore talk to a nutritionist as well, for advice on foods that will provide the nutrients you need. The foods should also be conducive to weight loss if this is your goal.

As a start, work out only twice every week. With a carefully planned work out design, you will easily get to where you want to be in a few weeks. A daily routine of 30 minutes is just enough so as not to exhaust your muscles too much. After doing this for a few weeks, adjust to longer periods gradually while also increasing the frequency per week until it becomes a daily routine.

Begin by working out the core muscles by doing pushups, pull ups and sit ups. This is followed up by targeting specific muscles in the body. Make considerations of working on cardio, this way, you can perform longer exercises without developing cardiovascular problems. Achieve this by riding bicycle, swimming or running.

Whilst starting your exercise routine, make the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle. You will need energy to exercise, therefore you must be eating the right foods in the right quantities. Bad foods include those in the fast food, processed and fried category, and those with too much fat, sugar and salt. Be consistent with your fluid intake as well, drinking eight glasses of water per day. Lifestyle changes may need to include quitting smoking and being more energetic.

Drinking 8 glasses of water on a daily basis and keeping off soft drinks is very much recommended. Habits like watching a lot of TV and addictions like smoking cigarettes should be avoided. Make these changes one by one till you have a new lifestyle that is healthy and enjoyable.

Give your body a day's rest every week so that your muscles can recover and for you to loosen up. You may eat some junk food occasionally but he workout routine should be observed like the law. Take a few minutes before starting your exercises to stretch then do the same after a workout session. If you have pain in the muscles, you need to stop working out until you feel better.

It can be helpful to learn some relaxation techniques, or meditation, so that you can more quickly become used to your new lifestyle. These skills will allow you to push through the difficult times when you feel like you want to give up. You will have to deal with overcoming tiredness on some days, and will have to learn to persevere. Work on improving your posture as well, as only with a good posture can you exercise in a healthy and beneficial way.

After setting your fitness goals, assess and evaluate your physical ability to achieve it in the set time period. The equipment and activities for achieving the goal need to be clearly set and availed before the start. For example if you have never lifted a weight all your life, for a customized workout plan, starting with a heavy weight will be disastrous. Know yourself and where you should begin as you gradually increase the weights, speed or running distance.

A customized workout plan will also consider your other commitments, such as family, work and friends. Your new routine should fit well into your lifestyle and not be too difficult to achieve. Try to set a good time when you will be working out - a time when you can completely relax and just focus on your health and well-being. With a few minor adjustments you should be able to stay committed to your new workout schedule.

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