Benefits Of A Medical Billing And Coding Certification Online

Thursday, February 27, 2014

By Lisa Williamson

There are many reasons why one might seek to obtain a medical billing and coding certification online. While individual circumstances are unique, it is beneficial to outline some of these reasons for those who are considering this option. This particular career path can be potentially lucrative while also providing the individual with added benefits.

In the 1970s one could get a four-year bachelor degree for ten thousand dollars or less. Since that time, a student can anticipate going into fifty thousand dollars worth of debt, and often much more. Getting an online certification is much more affordable, and it nearly guarantees that the student will be able to obtain employment in that particular field.

It is often possible for even the lowest wage earner to save up and pay for their program in full. This allows them to begin working toward their goals without having to report theirs, or a parents income to a student loan company. Once a student has completed their course and obtained their certificate, employers rarely care how much they did or did not pay for the program.

Young parents find these certificate options are an excellent way to get out of the low-wage slump. Not only that, but they are often able to work from their own home rather than spending extra money commuting to a job. This also saves them from the ever-increasing cost of what often turns out to be poor child care, and it is a savings that amounts to many hundreds of dollars each month.

By deciding to telework, the young parents are able to be there for their children. Anyone who has raised a child in day care knows that these centers are not always the best option for their young one. In this way, a small child can grow up with the safety and comfort of being at home, and the parent is still making an income that helps provide for the household.

Anyone who transcribes medical reports can tell how difficult it is to make a reasonable wage when working by production. It is not unusual for one to start out as a transcriptionist, but pursue a different certificate within the field in order to make an hourly wage. Production-based work is nearly always done as an independent contractor, and at six to ten cents per line, one has trouble even making minimum wage.

These opportunities often offer the option of being an independent contractor, or working as a company employee. Some individuals do prefer the freedom that self-employment can offer. However, by working full-time for a lucrative company, one is more likely to be provided with affordable health care benefits, and eventually works up to other benefits such as paid vacation and 401k investment plans.

In this day of declining wages and fewer opportunities, any job in the health care field is some of the most stable employment available. Unfortunately, not every person is emotionally equipped to be a doctor, nurse, or CNA. By doing administration in the field of medicine, one receives the reasonable stability available without handling sick patients.

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